Publish, unpublish, freeze, and delete processes

How to set a process to draft, to live or delete it.

Peter Olsen avatar
Written by Peter Olsen
Updated over a week ago

When you're developing new processes on an account that is active, they are initially in a draft state until you decide to publish them. 

This lets you manage the development of new processes in the same place where your processes are in operations.

Who can see which processes?

  • Draft processes are only visible and accessible for the owner and the editor team. This is the default state when you create a new process.

  • Live processes are visible and accessible for all users that are allowed to see the process depending on whether it is Private or Public (for more on this read about user rights and permissions).

  • Frozen processes are still visible to all process participants, but no changes can be made to the process diagramme or activities.

  • Deleted processes are only viewable by users with rights to 'manage processes'. These can be restored for a short period of time after being deleted.

TIP! Freezing a process can be useful, if you have cases that run for a long period of time that you need to be able to finish, but you have decided to replace the process with a new one going forward. This way you are able to keep the old process active long enough to finish your cases without causing confusion as to which process is the current one.

How to change process state

(This can only be done by Owners or Editors of the process or users with rights to manage processes across the account)

  1. Go to the process that you want to change.

  2. Turn on edit mode.

  3. Click 'process settings' in the grey top bar.

  4. Choose the desired state of the process in the settings drawer.

TIP! If you have the 'Manage all processes and work instructions' right, you will be able to change these settings on a specific process from the process overview page as well by turning on edit mode and selecting a process.

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