File management in Gluu

Understand the basic setup of file management in Gluu and how to use it to your advantage

Louise avatar
Written by Louise
Updated over a week ago

We have made file management in Gluu as easy for you as we possibly can and this article tells you everything you need to know about how to use it.

If you are looking for at guide on how to add files to Gluu, not how to manage them, check out this article: Adding files to work instructions, comments, and tasks

File management list views

Managing files in Gluu is easy. Whenever a file is uploaded to a work instruction, it will appear on the process, the activity and the account file list. That gives you an overview of files on all three levels.

TIP! If a process is frozen, the files will not be visible in the overall account files list, only on the process and in the activities where they are appear. They will not show up, if the search bar is used either. That helps you avoid outdated files being used when they are not supposed to. Learn more here: Publish, unpublish, freeze, and delete processes

The activity file list shows you all files uploaded to the work instruction or any of the tasks in the activity.

The process file list shows all files being used in the entire process, so all documents uploaded to any of the work instructions or tasks in the process activities.

The account file list shows you all files used in any process, activity or task and it shows you the individual location of every file upload if the document is used in multiple locations.

TIP! The file lists only shows you files in processes and activities you have access to, unless you have account admin rights. Files from processes you do not have access to will not be shown on the lists.

Advanced file management information

File management is also quite clever to the point where it recognizes files with different names but identical content. They will appear as the same file in your file list with different names and locations.

Furthermore, you have very nice filtering options, so even though your list of files might be long, you are able to narrow the list down to the files you are looking for.

The 'Has duplicates' filtering option is only found under file management, and it shows you files that are either used in multiple locations or just in one, if selected. If you click a file with duplicates the drawer will show you the location of the current file under 'File usage' and show you a list of duplicate files that you can then click and see more information about.

TIP! Remember that the 'Explorer' feature in Gluu shows you files as well, if you want a more visual overview.

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